Essential Questions to Ask Your Potential Employer During an Interview

Deciding on a career change or determining if a company is a good fit for you requires being a well-informed candidate.

Many job seekers often struggle with what questions to ask potential employers, in fact, when the employer asks you if you have any questions, one of the worst things you can say is “no”. It gives the impression that you’re uninterested and disconnected. Asking questions that aren’t thoughtful or give you no information about what it will be like to work there, is also a missed opportunity.

There’s a wealth of information online about companies, but avoiding generic questions and coming prepared with meaningful ones is crucial. This can make the difference between getting your next job or collecting yet another rejection letter.

In this blog, we’ll explore important questions to ask during an interview to help you connect with your interviewer and gather valuable insights about your prospective workplace.

8 Important Questions to Ask During an Interview

Why Preparing Questions is Crucial

Not having questions prepared can make you look unprepared and indifferent. This might suggest you’re willing to accept any job offered, which can be a major turn-off for employers. Having thoughtful questions demonstrates your genuine interest in the role and the company.

Questions to Build a Connection

1. “How did you decide this was the right company for you?”

By asking this, you’ll gain insight into their decision-making process and understand what attracted them to the company. This can help you determine if those same factors align with your values and career goals.

2. “What do you love most about working here?”

This question allows your interviewer to share their personal experiences and what they enjoy about the company. It also gives you an opportunity to see if these aspects are important to you.

Understanding Company Culture

While researching online is helpful, hearing about the company culture directly from someone within is invaluable. It provides insights you won’t find on any website.

3. “Who was your most recent successful hire, and why?”

This helps you understand what qualities the company values in its employees. If the example they provide doesn’t align with your work style or values, it might be a red flag.

4. “Who didn’t succeed as a new hire, and why?”

Knowing why someone failed can be just as informative. If the reasons for their failure resonate with your own traits, it might indicate that the company isn’t a good fit for you.

Addressing Challenges and Performance Metrics

5. “What’s the biggest challenge the company will face in the upcoming year and how will this job help overcome it?”

This question shows you understand your potential role and are ready to contribute to solving the company’s problems. It also helps you decide if these challenges are ones you’re eager to tackle.

6. “How will my performance be measured?”

Asking this demonstrates your accountability and desire for transparency regarding your job performance. If the company lacks clear metrics, it might be a sign of disorganization.

Closing the Interview Strong

7. “What additional skills or experience do you wish I had that would make me a better fit for this job?”

This question allows you to address any potential shortcomings and shows your willingness to improve and grow. It can also be an opportunity to share any relevant experience you might have missed during the interview.

8. “What are the next steps in the process?”

Never leave an interview without knowing the next steps. This question gives you a clear timeline and lets you know when to follow up, ensuring you’re never left in the dark.

Wrapping it Up: Making the Right Decision

Remember, the questions you ask during an interview should help you make an informed decision about whether an organization is the right fit for you. By connecting with your interviewer, you gain valuable insights into the company culture and the role you might play within it.

Thoughtful interview questions can also fill any gaps in information and help you understand where you stand once the interview concludes.

If you really want to make a lasting impression throughout the entire interview process, read 5 Traits of High Desirable Job Candidates.

Need help with job searching, resume writing, or interviewing? We can help! Check out our career services here.