Your resume is your first impression with an employer, so it better be a good one. Recruiters are trained to scan your resume in a matter of seconds, looking for any potential red flags before they decide to put you in the “yes,” “no,” or “maybe” file.

To make sure they are sending the best candidates through the application process, they need to quickly spot unsuitable candidates. So, what are these resume red flags, and how can you avoid them?

Avoid These Resume Red Flags to Land Your Dream Job

Poor or Messy Formatting

Outside of your resume being Applicant Tracking System (ATS) friendly, it needs to have good formatting. A sloppy format can look unprofessional and convey a lack of attention to detail, which is a red flag for hiring managers, especially if the job requires a high level of care and precision. Messy formatting also makes it difficult for recruiters to spot the important information they need quickly.

To Fix This Resume Red Flag:

  • Find or create a clean, simple template.
  • Clearly separate sections with headers.
  • Stick to a maximum of two fonts.
  • Avoid overusing bold, italics, underlines, and colors.
  • Use a consistent format for all dates (e.g., May 2016-June 2018 or 5/2016-6/2018).
  • Be consistent with punctuation; decide if you’ll use periods and stick to it.
  • Ensure current roles are in present tense and past roles are in past tense.

No Targeting

One size does not fit all when it comes to resumes. Each job is different, meaning that sending a generic resume won’t work in your favor. Hiring managers look for specific skills, qualifications, and achievements tailored to the role they’re hiring for.

To Fix This Resume Red Flag:

  • Keep one master resume and tailor it for each job application.
  • Use the job description to guide what information to include.
  • Utilize tools like to compare your resume with the job description and identify missing skills.

No Measurable Results

A resume shouldn’t just be a list of responsibilities. Employers want to see what you’ve accomplished and how your actions benefited your previous employers. Quantifiable results make your achievements stand out.

To Fix This Resume Red Flag:

  • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) for your roles.
  • Think in terms of different time frames (your tenure, quarterly, monthly, or daily).
  • Use performance reviews to find measurable achievements to include.

Unexplained Gaps in Employment

Employment gaps are common and not necessarily red flags by themselves. However, unexplained gaps can raise questions. It’s crucial to address these gaps upfront to prevent doubts about your transparency or reliability.

To Fix This Resume Red Flag:

  • Prepare an explanation for any substantial gaps.
  • Address gaps positively, highlighting what you learned or any transferable skills gained during that time.
  • Mention any volunteer work, training, or courses you took during the gap.

Resume Length

A resume that’s longer than two pages can make a horrible first impression. It suggests that the candidate hasn’t considered their target audience—busy recruiters and hiring managers—and may struggle with concise communication.

To Fix This Resume Red Flag:

  • Limit your resume to 6-8 years of relevant experience.
  • Remove unnecessary fluff and focus on what’s important for the job you’re applying for.
  • Keep the word count around 750 to ensure focus and readability.

Additional Tips to Enhance Your Resume

To further enhance your resume and make it stand out, consider the following tips:

Use Action Verbs: Strong action verbs can make your resume more dynamic and engaging. Words like “achieved,” “improved,” “managed,” and “developed” can help highlight your contributions and impact.

Include a Professional Summary: A concise professional summary at the beginning of your resume can provide a quick snapshot of your skills, experiences, and career goals. This helps recruiters quickly understand your background and what you bring to the table.

Showcase Relevant Skills: Include a skills section that highlights both hard and soft skills relevant to the job you’re applying for. Make sure to align these with the job description to increase your chances of getting noticed.

Proofread and Edit: Spelling and grammatical errors can be a major turnoff for recruiters. Take the time to thoroughly proofread your resume and consider having a friend or professional review it as well.

Examples of Strong Resume Bullet Points

To give you a better idea of how to create compelling resume bullet points, here are some examples:

  • Increased sales revenue by 20% within 6 months by implementing a new sales strategy and training program.
  • Managed a team of 10 software developers, leading to a 30% reduction in project completion time.
  • Developed and launched a customer loyalty program that resulted in a 15% increase in repeat business.
  • Streamlined the inventory management process, reducing excess stock by 25% and saving the company $50K annually.


Q: How can I make my resume ATS-friendly?

A: Use standard fonts, avoid graphics, and include relevant keywords from the job description.

Q: Should I include a photo on my resume?

A: Generally, it’s best to avoid photos unless the job specifically requires it, as it can lead to bias.

Q: How often should I update my resume?

A: Update your resume regularly, especially after significant accomplishments or changes in your job role.

Q: Can I use a creative resume design?

A: While creative designs can stand out, ensure they remain professional and ATS-compatible. Simplicity and clarity should always be prioritized.

Q: How do I handle multiple job offers?

A: Evaluate each offer based on factors like salary, benefits, company culture, and career growth opportunities. Communicate openly with potential employers and make a decision that aligns with your long-term career goals.

Wrapping It Up

Your resume is your ticket to landing your next job. Avoiding common red flags like poor formatting, lack of targeting, missing measurable results, unexplained employment gaps, and excessive length can significantly improve your chances of making a great first impression.

For bonus points, tailor your resume for each job, quantify your achievements, and present your experience clearly and concisely. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to securing that coveted interview.

Love this post, but want to dive deeper? Here are the Top 10 Resume Mistakes and How to Avoid Them. Happy job hunting!

If you need additional resume writing support, we’re happy to help! Please check our services page for more information.