For most job seekers, creating their own resume that lands interviews isn’t easy. There’s a lot involved in presenting it in a way that grabs the attention of a recruiter.

From making sure your resume gets through the top applicant tracking systems, to ensuring the it’s not too wordy, but has enough relevant information, we spent a good amount of time fine tuning your resume.

Clients often wonder what we do to their resume that makes it so effective at grabbing a recruiters attention. Here’s all the fine-tuning we do to get the perfect job marketing document to you:

1. Formatting: Ensuring a Clean, Professional Look

A resume is your first impression with an employer, so a clean, professional look can make all the difference. To accomplish this, at Resumeology, we focus on:

  • Consistent font styles and sizes
  • Adequate white space for readability
  • Structured layout that highlights key information

2. Punctuation, Grammar, Spelling, and Tenses

Even a small typo can signal a lack of attention to detail. We ensure:

  • Perfect punctuation
  • Flawless grammar
  • Correct spelling
  • Consistent tense usage throughout

3. ATS Compatibility: Optimizing for Top Applicant Tracking Systems

Most companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter resumes. If your resume isn’t optimized for these systems, it may never reach human eyes. Our process includes:

  • Using relevant keywords
  • Avoiding complex formatting that ATS can’t read
  • Ensuring proper file type and structure

4. Recruiter-Friendly: Making Your Resume Scannable in 6 Seconds

Recruiters are very busy and have to sort through thousands of resumes per role. They often spend just seconds on an initial scan. To make your resume stand out quickly, we focus on:

  • Clear headings
  • Bullet points for easy reading
  • Highlighting important achievements and skills

5. Measurable Accomplishments: Highlighting Your Achievements with Quantifiable Data

Numbers speak louder than words; they also stand out more to the eye. We help you quantify your achievements to demonstrate real impact:

  • Using percentages, dollar amounts, and other metrics
  • Showcasing improvements and successes

6. Proper Headings and Titles: Organizing Content for Clarity

Clear, concise headings help the recruiter easily find what they’re looking for on your resume. We make sure each section is well-defined and appropriately titled:

  • Professional Summary
  • Work Experience
  • Education & Certifications
  • Technical Skills

7. Modern Templates: Converting to a Contemporary, Easy-to-Read Format

Outdated formats can be a major turnoff to recruiters. We use modern templates that are easy to digest and look appealing at first glance:

  • Sleek designs
  • Compatibility with both ATS and recruiters
  • Customization to suit your industry

8. Professional Summary: Crafting a Summary That Highlights Your Work History & Future Goals

Your summary should be a quick snapshot of what you’ve done and what you’re looking to do next. We craft compelling summaries that:

  • Highlight your key achievements
  • Outline your career goals
  • Set the tone for the rest of your resume

9. Relevance: Removing Information That Doesn’t Serve You

With resumes, adding everything you’ve ever done takes away from the information that is important in the next step of your career. By providing an objective viewpoint, we’re able to get rid of the information that recruiters don’t care about, and only leave what’s needed to secure your next role:

  • Removing outdated or irrelevant experiences
  • Focusing on what’s most pertinent to your current career goals

10. Standout Elements: Identifying and Emphasizing Unique Aspects of Your Experience

Most job seekers find it hard to boast about themselves, but it’s important to point out what’s unique and great about you. We identify and emphasize exactly what makes you stand out from the competition:

  • Unique skills or experiences
  • Certifications and awards
10 Ways to Improve Your Resume for More Interviews

When someone says a resume writer isn’t necessary, ask yourself: Are you doing all of the above? If so, fantastic! If not, consider hiring a professional.

Because your competition has, and they’re in the ‘YES’ pile while you’re still wondering what went wrong!

Ready to work with us at Resumeology? With 17 years of experience, we help clients go from overlooked to interview-booked. View our services here.


Q: How long does it take get a resume?

A: It usually takes us 5-7 business days to get a draft to our clients. We want to ensure every detail is polished, from formatting to optimization. We often write a draft and continue to come back to it several times with a fresh set of eyes before present you with a draft.

Q: Why is ATS compatibility important?

A: Recruiters all use the ATS slightly differently. Some filter with pre-qualifying questions, some with keywords, etc. We try to emulate the way we used the ATS as recruiters to give you the best chance of being seen.

Q: What do I look for in a resume writer?

A: A former recruiter is the best person to hire to write your resume. Since they’ve worked in the ATS, with hiring managers and ultimately made hiring decisions, they have the best knowledge of what a resume should look like.